Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM)


Upcoming Events

  • Next Meeting - Oct 28 @5:30 Kramer Library

  • To Request to Join SBDM - email [πŸ“§ Francis Robles]

The Site-Based Decision Making (SDBM) Committee serves as an advisory council to the principal. The Kramer SBDM committee includes our principal, teachers, school staff, parents, business and community representatives.  

Our SBDM meets and discusses school related issues, activities, and initiatives. Recommendations and suggestions made by the committee should align with the campus improvement plan and promote student achievement. Any member of the school community may sit in on SBDM meetings.

The following five areas serve as the primary function of the SBDM. 

  1. Goal Setting 

  2. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment  

  3. Budgeting  

  4. Staffing Patterns  

  5. School Organization  

As school related issues occur, or school activities and initiatives evolve, the SBDM committee authorizes sub-committees to use collborative problem solving for issues and to implement activities and initiatives. 


Goal Setting

This involves establishing specific, measurable objectives to guide the school’s progress and improvement efforts. The goals are based on campus needs and context as well district and state standards and focus on enhancing student outcomes.

CURRICULUM & Assessment

This area focuses on developing and implementing instructional programs and teaching methods that meet the needs of all students. It also involves evaluating student performance through various assessments to ensure academic growth.

School Organization

This area covers the overall structure and operation of the school, including policies, schedules, and the use of facilities to create an environment that supports both teaching and learning.


This involves providing feedback on staffing needs, constraints, and configurations. such as class sizes, teacher assignments, and support staff roles, to ensure optimal learning conditions for students.


The committee reviews and provides feedback on priorities for school funds should be allocated to ensure resources are used effectively to support educational priorities and enhance the learning environment; as well as made aware of budgetary constraints for aspirational programing.


Kramer SBDM Committee

  1. Chairperson β€” Beth Schmidt (parent)

  2. Vice-Chairperson/ Scribe  β€” Eric D Moore (parent)

  3. Facilitator/Timekeeper β€” Rebeckah Blashka (staff)

  4. At-Large Member β€” Francis Robles (staff)

  5. At-Large Member β€” Lakeisha Wimbley (parent)

  6. At-Large Member β€” Diana Hernandez (staff)

  7. At-Large Member β€” Thealicia Battles (parent)

  8. At-Large Member β€” Stephanie Slocum (parent)

Kramer SBDM Resources